
It’s a choice...

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

I was reminded of something very important this past weekend - Life really is what you make of it. When things don’t go our way, we can sit down and feel sorry for ourselves or we can pull ourselves up by our boot straps and keep walking. It’s a choice.

Reggie White once said, “God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.”

God has confidence in our abilities, but He gives us a choice. Many of us give up because we are scared of failure.

I have a very remarkable friend who continues to amaze me. No matter how many times she may fall, she always gets up, dusts off her britches, and faces the next challenge. When I look at my friend and the things she has accomplished despite the odds against her, I find renewed courage in myself.

I think it was Win Borden who said, “If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.”

That’s sort of how my friend lives her life. She takes up a cause, or goes on a long road trip, or decides to study something new just to fulfill her own potential. I think that is pretty incredible.

Most of us are too scared or too busy to search within ourselves and truly discover what we’re capable of. My friend is an over-achiever, and yet she once told me she often feels like she is not living up to her potential. I understood and felt her pain. Sometimes it just all feels like too much.

Maybe it’s time we stop worrying about the things we’ve already tried and failed, and start concentrating on what it is still possible to accomplish. We should focus on our potentials instead of our limitations. We can not let our job, our failed relationships, our poor health, or lack of money in our back account stop us from fulfilling our dreams. We are all capable of so much more. All we have to do is dig down deep and face the challenges head on. No pressure... just be you... do you!

I am not, by any means, a trained professional, but most of us just need to take a moment to breathe. The world is too fast and we are way too busy. Find time for yourself. Easier said than done? Maybe. Yet, our mental health mandates that we make the right choice.

Take up a new hobby, volunteer at a local charity, start a new exercise program, read a book that’s totally off the wall, visit a new restaurant, go shopping, go to the movies all alone, take a long walk, or simply take a nap.

We can not let this busy world get in the way of fulfilling our dreams and our potential to make a difference in this crazy world. Just remember, superman and superwoman are animated cartoon characters. Of course, we can do it all, but only by making the right choices!

Have a great week and welcome to autumn in the Delta! It’s a beautiful time of the year and the perfect time to breathe in the air!