
Miracles and Magic

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I was raised to believe Christmas “miracles” were granted by my Father in Heaven and Christmas “magic” was provided by Jolly Ole’ Saint Nick himself. If you don’t believe in miracles or magic, there’s nothing left but long lines at the store, out-of-date fruit cake, ugly decorations and COVID-19!

Not believe in Santa? You might as well not believe in dreams. Santa is the child in all of us. He is the one who keeps us smiling and singing and dancing and believing... He is the one who places the magic in our heart... a magic I hope to never lose. I believe in the goodness of men. I believe in the power of love. I believe in the impossible.

Yes, I believe in Santa Claus! He is a very big part of who I am. He is the magic I feel when I’m sledding down the levee or swimming in the river or sticking my feet out the car window on a fall day. He is the magic that lives inside of me.

Yet, more importantly, I believe in the true reason for the season, my Lord and Savior. I believe in His mercy and in His saving grace. I believe He loves me and has my life all planned out. So, this Christmas even though I am sad to not be celebrating with my family for the first time in my life, I believe He is in control. In truth, my holidays haven’t been the same since I lost my mom, but I have tried to make the best of it. And, that is what I will do again this year. I will remember that she is the one who taught me all about miracles and magic... I will hold her close in my heart as I open my stocking Christmas morning with tears in my eyes because she is not there. I will smile and I remember her excitement, year after year, over a simple Christmas stocking from Santa.

Merry Christmas everyone! Hold your memories and your dreams close and keep your faith strong this holiday season. I pray you never forget the one who grants the miracles and you never lose the magic.